Why, choose Java Full Stack as a career?
Universal Demand
Java is the top and widely used programming language used to develop highly secured and reliable applications. The demand of java professionals are always high which leads to more job opportunities and high salaries.
Java is a versatile language because it is used in back-end development, API’s & micro services development, handling business logics and can be integrated with a variety of databases and development frameworks.
Large Community
There is a large community of java developers around the globe and a great wealth of resources available online, including documentation, blogs, tutorials and forums which are beneficial for learning and professional development of individuals.
Future Proof
Since its birth, java is still a widely used language which proves that it is a stable and future proof technology so it is best suit for those who want to build a long term career in a specific domain.
Training Roadmap
Java Full Stack
Java Full Stack Development provides a wide range of career opportunities like job security, high demand, versatility and professional development which makes it best option for those candidates who are interested in pursuing a career in technology by building most reliable and secure software or applications.
Java Basics & OOPS
Data Structure & JDBC
HTML, CSS & JavaScript
Servlet & JSP Technologies
MySQL & MongoDB Database
Spring & Hibernate Framework
Career Options After Completing java Full Stack Development Course
As a Java Full Stack Engineer, you will have a variety to job roles to work and get success in your career.
Middle-Level Career Options
After successfully completion of training, you can apply for various job roles, like
- Java Software Developer
- Java Application Developer
- Java Web Developer
- Java Architect
- API Designer
- Java Trainer, etc.
Top-Level Career Options
After two to five years of experience, you can apply for job roles, like
- Java Full Stack Developer
- Java Cloud Developer
- Java Technical Lead
- Java Consultant
- Java Test Automation Engineer
- Project Head, etc.
Java Full Stack Training Program
This program is designed to equip students with comprehensive skills and hands-on experience in object-oriented programming, Java, and web technologies. It covers essential concepts in database management and delves into popular Java frameworks such as Spring and Hibernate. Students gain practical knowledge to excel in real-world software development environments.
Practice-Based Training
Training program available for 6 and 12 months duration
Live Project Work
To build your hands-on expertise and portfolio
Resume Building Assistance
To create an attractive resume for you
Interview Preparation
So you can present yourself in a better way
Mentoring & Job Assistance
To help you in getting good career or placements
Who Can Join
- Any graduate or post graduate student from B.tech or M.tech (any specialization), BCA or MCA, B.Sc. or M.Sc. (CS / IT) can join the Java Full Stack training program . The student must have basic knowledge of computer and have interest in software development.
- Any working professional, belongs to computer science or IT specialization, having some experience in software industry or related industry and now looking for department switch, salary hike or promotions can also join the Java Full Stack training program.
Training Mode
Online Live Classes are also available
- 4x more effective way of learning
- Hands-on experience with projects & assignments
- Virtual class with real interaction with trainer
- Monitoring support & troubleshooting issues
- Masterclass from industry experts & leaders
- Live class recordings for revision purposes
Java Full Stack Training in Agra
Learn2Earn Labs
F-4, First Floor, Anna Ikon Complex, In Front of Deviram Food Circle, Sikandra-Bodla Road, Sikandra, Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 282007
Call: +91-9548868337
Program Details
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During training you will go through with programming methodologies, oops concepts, java approaches, String handling, exception handling, multithreading, web technologies, database connectivity, API Design, popular java frameworks and mini projects that will help you to become an expert java full stack professional. You would get a hands-on expertise over the most in-demand concepts, tools & frameworks.
Introduction to Software Development, Software Development Life Cycle, Software Development Models, DFD, ER Diagram, Unified Modelling Language, Software Types, Programming Languages & Types, Object Oriented Programming.
Introduction to Object Oriented Programming & Java, methods, variables, constructor & blocks, control flow (if-else, switch, while loop, do while loop, for loop, return, break, continue, etc.), OOPS concepts (Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation & abstraction), Inner classes (regular, method local, static, & anonymous), Inner interfaces, Wrapper classes, String Handling, Exception Handling, Multithreading, File Handling, Input-Output. Introduction to GUI, component, container, AWT, Java Foundation Classes (swing), Layout Managers, Event Handling, Event Listeners and Handlers, Adapter Classes, Lambda Expression, Serialization, Regular Expression.
Introduction to Collection Framework, Arrays vs Collections, Key Interfaces, List, Set, SortedSet, NavigableSet, Queue, Map, SortedMap, NavigableMap, ArrayList and Vector, Stack, LinkedList, Iterator, ListIterator, HashSet, LinkedHashSet, SortedSet, TreeSet, Concurrent Collections. Introduction to Enumeration, Enum examples & use cases, Introduction to Generics, Time Safety, Type Casting, Generic Methods. Introduction to Concurrency & Thread Enhancement, Thread Group, java.util.concurrent packages, thread synchronization mechanism & java locks, java thread pools, java thread local, execution mechanism & case studies.
Introduction to Database & MySQL, MySQL Installation, MySQL Structure, Schema (Create, Drop & User Database), Table Operations, Create, Drop, Alter, Rename, Update, Add, Column Insert, Update, Delete, Select, Where, AND, OR, NOT, In, Between, Limit, Order By, Offset, Count, Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Nested Queries, Clause, Search Pattern, Foreign Key & Joins. Introduction to JDBC, JDBC drivers, Required Interfaces, Execute methods, CRUD operations, Aggregate functions, Transaction Management, PreparedStatement, stored procedures, callable statement, batch updates, date values, BLOB & CLOB, connection pooling, transaction management & savepoints, MetaData, ResultSet types, RowSets and RowID
Introduction to HTML5, Environmental setup of HTML5, HTML tags, elements and attributes, Syntax of HTML, Custom Attributes, Line Breaks, Spacing & Comments, HTML head tag, Setting Website Icon & Title, Background Images & Colors, Block & Inline Level Elements, Text Formatting Tags, Heading & Quotes, Images, Linking Web Pages, Creating Lists, Play Audio & Video, Embedding External Content, Creating Tables, Forms & Inputs, Semantic Elements, Using Emoji, Entities & Symbols in Website.
Introduction to CSS3, CSS3 Environmental Setup with HTML5, Linking CSS3 with HTML5, Priority of CSS3 Stylesheets, Comments in CSS3 Properties & Selectors in CSS3, CSS IMPORTANT Rule, Priority of CSS Stylesheets according to Selectors, Text Colors & Transparency in CSS3, CSS Dimensions & Units, Shorthand Properties Backgrounds, Gradients Properties, Text Styling, Text Fonts, Google Fonts & Icons. CSS3 Box Model (Border, Margin, Padding, Shadowing, Redefining box-width, outlines etc.) Floats, Clear & Overflow, CSS3 Display Property, CSS Element Visibility, Position & Layering, Transitions & Animations, Creating Column Layouts, CSS Counters, Creating Tables Using CSS, Transforming CSS Elements, Clipping, Shaping, Masking & Filters.
Introductions to JavaScript, Variables, let & const keyword, string handling, operators, control flow (if-else, switch, while loop, do while loop, for loop, break, continue, etc.), Array operations, objects & functions, scopes, methods (forEach, sort, find, some, fill, splice, map, filter, reduce, call, apply, bind, etc.). Object cloning, keyword (this, new, class, extends & super) , arrow functions, function declarations & expressions, getter & setter methods, static methods, closures, Document Object Model, DOM Manipulation using JavaScript, attributes, Lists, JavaScript Events, callbacks, promise, Introduction of AJAX & ES6.
Introduction to Servlet, Application types, web application directory structure, servlet execution, important methods, servlet communications, CRUD Operations, RequestDispatcher, Servlet Filters, Session Tracking, URL Rewriting, cookies, hidden form fields, Servlet Listeners & Events, Annotations in Servlet. Introduction to JSP, Servlet vs JSP, Model Architecture, Scripting Elements (Scriptlets, Expression, Declarations, Comments), JSP Implicit Object, JSP Directives (page, include, taglib), JSP scopes (Page, Request, Session, Application), JSP Actions (standard, custom), Exception handling, JSTL (Core tags, SQL tags, xml tags, function tags, etc
Introduction to MongoDB, MongoDB Terminology, MongoDB client-server connection, MongoDB Installation, CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. Data Modelling overview & approaches, data modelling in MongoDB, Types of Data Models, Flat Schema, Star Schema, Hierarchical Schema, Relational Schema, Object Relational Schema, Introduction to MongoDB Architecture, Distributed database, MongoDB instance, Introduction to MongoDB Compass, MongoDB Compass Dashboard, code implementation, Cursors, Query Optimization, Distributed queries.
Introduction to Spring, Dependency Injection, Data Integration, IOC Container, Maven Project for Spring & Dependencies, Spring Configuration, Injecting Collections, Injecting Reference Type & Constructor, Spring Bean, Life Cycle Methods, Annotations, Spring Bean Scope, Spring Expression Language. Introduction to Spring JDBC, Database Setup, CRUD Operations, Row Mapper, Introduction to Spring ORM, CRUD Operations using Spring ORM, Introduction to Spring MVC, MVC Design Pattern, Tomcat Configuration, JSP Expression Language, JSTL, Handling Forms, Redirecting in Spring MVC, Error Handling, Exception Handling, Spring MVC Interceptor, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP).
Introduction to Spring Boot, Auto Configuration, Spring Initializr, Spring Tool Suite, JSP view, Introduction to JPA, Repository, DB Configuration, CRUD Operations, Custom Finder Methods, JPQL and Native Queries. Introduction to API & Web Services, Understand REST API, Spring Boot Dev Tools, Creating REST API (get functionality, PostMapping, DeleteMapping, PutMapping, ResponseEntity), Server Side Form Validation, Spring Security, Role Based Authorization, Login Functionality, Configuration and Customization, Introduction to JWT, JWT Authentication, Unit Testing of Spring Boot Projects.
Introduction to Hibernate & ORM Tool, Maven Project for Hibernate & Dependencies, Hibernate Configuration, Annotations, Saving data and images, Object Fetching (get & load method), embedding objects, Hibernate Mapping (one to one, one to many & many to many), Lazy & Eager Loading, Hibernate Object States, Introduction to HQL (Hibernate Query Language), Native SQL Queries, Cascading, Cashing, Hibernate Criteria API, Hibernate Integration with Spring MVC.
Introduction to Version Control & Git, Command Line Interface, GitHub & Repositories, initialization, status, add, staging, commit, diff, checkout, cloning, push operation, branching, fetching & merging, forking & pull requests.
Utility based major projects to increase your productivity and to build your experience. E-Commerce Web Project, LMS Project, Informative Blog
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Eligibility Crietaria
Having a bachelor’s / master’s degree in any stream.
Having interest in software development.
Having basic knowledge of coding.