full stack web development cover

Become a
Full Stack Web Developer

With Job Assistance

Training Modules
5 +
Months Duration
4 /6
Avg. Salary Package

Why, choose Full Stack Web Development as a Career ?

Universal Demand

Nowadays, the popularity of web based applications and services is rapidly increasing so the demand for skilled full stack web developers is on the rise. Every organization looking to work with these developers who can develop and manage their web applications and services.

Opportunities for Innovation

It offers a lot of opportunities to work on a variety of projects, from developing an attractive UI, adding the functionalities to enhancing the existing ones. Hence the professionals gets the opportunity for creativity or innovation in solving problems.


The full stack web developers are proficient in all the phases of web developer from front-end, API’s, web services to back-end. They have the ability to work on a wide range of web based projects.

Career Growth

After having some working experience and expertise, the full stack web developers can progress into senior, leadership or managerial roles. These job roles makes them highly valued in the industry.

Training Roadmap
Full Stack Web Development

With technology advancement, there is an explosion of data generated & processed everyday. Almost every business or organization is increasingly looking to analyze this data and make decision to gain a competitive advantage. The data science and machine learning professionals are skilled at analyzing and interpreting the large datasets to generate valuable insights for making business decisions and improving the performance.

HTML, CSS & Bootstrap


Version Control, Git & GitHub

React JS Library

Node JS & Express JS Frameworks

MySQL & MongoDB Database

Career Options After Completing Full Stack Web Development Course

As a full stack web developer, you will have a variety to job roles to work and get success in your career.

Middle-Level Career Options

After successfully completion of training, you can apply for various job roles, like

  • Front End Developer
  • Back End Developer
  • MERN Stack Developer
  • Software Developer
  • Full Stack Developer
  • UI/UX Designer, etc.

Top-Level Career Options

After two to five years of experience, you can apply for job roles, like

  • Senior Software Developer
  • API Engineer
  • Senior Web Developer
  • Team Lead
  • Project Manager
  • Chief Technical Officer, etc.

Full Stack Web Development Training Program

This program is designed to equip students with comprehensive skills and hands-on experience required to develop robust web applications. It covers front-end and back-end development, ensuring seamless integration between the two, along with database connectivity and management. Students gain practical knowledge to build dynamic, responsive, and efficient web solutions for various needs.

career support at Learn2earn labs

Practice-Based Training

Training program available for 6 to 12 months duration

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Dummy Projects

To build your hands-on expertise & portfolio

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Resume Building Assistance

To create an attractive resume for you

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Interview Preparation

So you can present yourself in a better way

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Mentoring & Job Assistance

To help you in getting good career or placements

Who Can Join

  • Any graduate or post graduate student from BCA or MCA, B.Sc. or M.Sc. (CS / IT ) or B.tech or M.tech (any specialization), can join the full stack web development training program using MERN. The student must have basic computer knowledge and interest in websites or internet tools.
  • Any working professional, having some experience in IT or related industry and now looking for salary hike or promotions can also join the full stack web development training program.

Training Mode

Online Live Classes are also available

  • 4x more effective way of learning
  • Hands-on experience with projects & assignments
  • Virtual class with real interaction with trainer
  • Monitoring support & troubleshooting issues
  • Masterclass from industry experts & leaders
  • Live class recordings for revision purposes

Full Stack Web Development Training in Agra

Learn2Earn Labs

F-4, First Floor, Anna Ikon Complex, In Front of Deviram Food Circle, Sikandra-Bodla Road, Sikandra, Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 282007

Call: +91-9548868337

Program Details

Feel free to call

Request More Information

    Select your profession

    The objective of full stack web development training is to equip candidates with the skills and knowledge to become expert in developing complete web applications or services, mastering front-end & back-end development along with the database connectivity and management. The students will go through with some dummy & live projects to gain hands-on experience and improve their problem solving skills.

    Introduction to Web Application, basics on web application, web application VS websites, building block of web app development, frontend & backend development, APIs, web services, microservices, market trends and career scope.

    Introduction to HTML5, Environmental setup of HTML5, HTML tags, elements and attributes, Syntax of HTML, Custom Attributes, Line Breaks, Spacing & Comments, HTML head tag, Setting Website Icon & Title, Background Images & Colors, Block & Inline Level Elements, Text Formatting Tags, Heading & Quotes, Images, Linking Web Pages, Creating Lists, Play Audio & Video, Embedding External Content, Creating Tables, Forms & Inputs, Semantic Elements, Using Emoji, Entities & Symbols in Website.

    Introduction to CSS3, CSS3 Environmental Setup with HTML5, Linking CSS3 with HTML5, Priority of CSS3 Stylesheets, Comments in CSS3 Properties & Selectors in CSS3, CSS IMPORTANT Rule, Priority of CSS Stylesheets according to Selectors, Text Colors & Transparency in CSS3, CSS Dimensions & Units, Shorthand Properties Backgrounds, Gradients Properties, Text Styling, Text Fonts, Google Fonts & Icons. CSS3 Box Model (Border, Margin, Padding, Shadowing, Redefining box-width, outlines etc.) Floats, Clear & Overflow, CSS3 Display Property, CSS Element Visibility, Position & Layering, Transitions & Animations, Creating Column Layouts, CSS Counters, Creating Tables Using CSS, Transforming CSS Elements, Clipping, Shaping, Masking & Filters, Modular CSS, CSS3 Miscellaneous (Vendor & Autoprefixing, Initial, Inherit & Auto, Misc. Properties, Misc. Pseudo Elements, Misc. Pseudo Classes etc.)

    Introduction to Bootstrap, Web Design – Wireframing, Navigation Bar, Grid Layout System, Bootstrap Containers, Bootstrap Buttons, Font Awesome, Styling, Bootstrap Carousel, Cards, Media Query Break Points, Combining Selectors, Selector Priority.

    Introductions to JavaScript, Variables, let & const keyword, string handling, operators, control flow (if-else, switch, while loop, do while loop, for loop, break, continue, etc.), Array operations, objects & functions, scopes, methods (forEach, sort, find, some, fill, splice, map, filter, reduce, call, apply, bind, etc.). Object cloning, keyword (this, new, class, extends & super) , arrow functions, function declarations & expressions, getter & setter methods, static methods, closures, Document Object Model, DOM Manipulation using JavaScript, attributes, Lists, JavaScript Events, callbacks, promise, Introduction of AJAX.

    Introduction to Back End Development, skills required for backend, Introduction to Node JS, V8 engine, Problems before Node JS, Node JS installation, REPL, CLI, Client Server Architecture, Server Deployment in Node JS, Source Code, Single Threaded Model, Event Loop, PayPal Problems & Solution. Basics of NPM, NPM installation, Modules (Core Modules, User Defined Modules, & Third Party Modules), OS Module, Path Module, FS Module (Sync & Async), Packages in Node JS, package.json, package-lock.json, Http Module, Handling Routes, Event Loop Code Examples, URL Module, Verbs in HTTP, Headers in Node JS, Status Codes, API in NodeJS, Working with Nodemon, User inputs, file system, Asynchronous Data Handling, Async Patterns (Blocking code, Setup Promises, Refractor to Async, Node’s native option, Events Emitter, Streams.

    Introduction to Express JS, creating a server using express, HTTP Request/Response Cycle, starter project installs, Http (basics, headers, request object, html file, examples), API VS SSR, Params, Query String, express routing, express router, Middleware setup, Middleware functions, get & post method, web server, Introduction to Nginx, Nginx Architecture, Introduction to CORS, Properties of Domain & URL, Cross-Origin Requests, MVC Architecture, Install Postman, Working with Postman

    Introduction to Database, Need of Database, RDBMS, NoSQL DBMS, NoSQL Database Categories.

    Introduction to Database & MySQL, MySQL Installation, MySQL Structure, Schema (Create, Drop & User Database), Table Operations, Create, Drop, Alter, Rename, Update, Add, Column Insert, Update, Delete, Select, Where, AND, OR, NOT, In, Between, Limit, Order By, Offset, Count, Sum, Avg, Min, Max, Nested Queries, Clause, Search Pattern, Foreign Key & Joins.

    Introduction to MongoDB, MongoDB Terminology, MongoDB client-server connection, MongoDB Installation, CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations, Data Modelling overview & approaches, data modelling in MongoDB, Types of Data Models, Flat Schema, Star Schema, Hierarchical Schema, Relational Schema, Object Relational Schema, Introduction to MongoDB Architecture, Distributed database, MongoDB instance, Connecting MongoDB & NodeJS (local instance & cloud instance), Introduction to MongoDB Compass, MongoDB Compass Dashboard, code implementation, Cursors, Query Optimization, Distributed queries.

    Introduction to Mongoose, Object Mapping via Mongoose, creating models, exporting model, MVC Architecture, Consuming models, creating locations controller, creating parameterized API.

    Introduction to ECMAScript, ES6 variables, let, var, const, arrow function, template literal, default parameter, spread operators, rest operators, rest params, class in JavaScript, class methods, object shorthand, map data type, set data type, map filter reduce, array destructuring, object destructuring, getter & setter methods.

    Introduction to ReactJS, features of ReactJS, Single page & Multipage Application, web app architecture patterns, MVC Architecture. Introduction to React Architecture, client side architecture, advantages & disadvantages of React, reasons to use React, DOM Manipulation, Virtual DOM, npm libraries & package.json for React, folder structure in React, creating first React app, React Element, React Function, React Components, class component, functional component, constructors within the components, defining multiple components, introduction to Props, ways of writing Props, class based Props, function based Props, Introduction to States, setState method, React Component life cycle, Mounting, Updating, unmounting, React Bootstrap Typeahead, passing values between the components, React Events,Conditional, Rendering, React Form, adding and handling React Forms, Form Submission, multiple input fields, validating form input, JSX overview, JSX use cases, API Overview, types of APIs, Rest API, navigation using links, 404 page, implementing styles using NavLink, URL parameter overview, URL parameter configuration, Styling : Inline Styling, stylesheet, JavaScript classes limitations, React Hooks overview, useState() hook, useEffect() hook, useContext() hook, useRef() hook, useReducer() hook, useMemo() hook, useCallback() hook, useLayoutEffect() hook, useDebugValue() hook, custom hooks in React.

    Introduction to Version Control & Git, Command Line Interface, GitHub & Repositories, initialization, status, add, staging, commit, diff, checkout, cloning, push operation, branching, fetching & merging, forking & pull requests.

    MERN App – Connecting API with React, Deploying MERN app on live cloud server or AWS, server side rendering with EJS, JWT Authentication, Streams, Sockets & Events, NodeJS with MySQL, API’s (POST, PUT & DELETE) with MySQL.

    Utility based major projects to increase your productivity and to build your experience. E-Commerce Web Portal, Informative Blog or Portfolio.

    Apply Now

    Please enter the following details to initiate your application for the Full Stack Web Development training program using MERN offered by Learn2Earn Labs, Agra

      Select your profession

      Eligibility Crietaria

      A bachelor’s / master’s degree in relevant areas.

      Basic knowledge of computer & programming.

      Must have interest in websites & internet tools.

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