Training Roadmap
C Programming
In the present scenario, C programming is one of the fundamentals courses that are use to teach programming concepts and implementation logics. As programming is all about solving problems by writing code statements or programs, hence with C language you can learn about data types, variables, loops, functions, arrays, strings, structure, file handling, etc. and can write programs to solve complex problem.
Programming Basics
Control Flow & Transitions
Arrays & Functions
Pointers & Memory Allocation
String Handling and Structures
File Handling and Minor Projects
C Programming Training Program
Practice-Based Training
Training program available for 6 months duration
Dummy Projects
To build your hands-on expertise & portfolio
Resume Building Assistance
To create an attractive resume for you
Interview Preparation
So you can present yourself in a better way
Mentoring & Job Assistance
To help you in getting good career or placements
Who Can Join
- Any student can join the C programming training program . The student must have interest in programming with basic computer knowledge.
- Students from any specializations of B.Tech / M.Tech / BCA / MCA / B.Sc. / M.Sc, who are looking to learn programming and enhance their practical skills can join the C programming training program.
- Working professionals or job seekers, who are looking to enhance their programming skills can join the C programming training program.
Training Mode
Online Live Classes are also available
- 4x more effective way of learning
- Hands-on experience with projects & assignments
- Virtual class with real interaction with trainer
- Monitoring support & troubleshooting issues
- Masterclass from industry experts & leaders
- Live class recordings for revision purposes
C Programming Training in Agra
Learn2Earn Labs
F-4, First Floor, Anna Ikon Complex, In Front of Deviram Food Circle, Sikandra-Bodla Road, Sikandra, Agra, Uttar Pradesh ā 282007
Call: +91-9548868337
Program Details
Feel free to call
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During this C Programning training program, you will go through with the below course modules & topics.
Introduction to C Language, Simple C Program, Program execution phases, Backslash character constants, Character set, Constants, Number systems, Format specifiers, Identifiers, Keywords, Variables, Data Types, Arithmetic operators, Increment and decrement operators, Relational operators, Logical operators, bitwise operators, assignment operators, conditional operator, size of operator, comma operator, Type casting operator, data types, input output library functions, control statements (if-else, switch-case, for, while, do-while, nested loop, jump control statements, break, continue, goto, exit, return), functions, return statement, recursion, library functions, local and global variables, storage classes, Pointers, Pointer to Pointer, Pointer Arithmetic, De-reference & increment pointer, pointer to function, Array, types of Arrays, accessing array elements, Pointer to array, Array & functions, Malloc, calloc, realloc, free, core dump, memory leak.
Introduction to String, gets() & puts() functions, String handling functions, Structure, accessing structure members, size of structures, reading and displaying structure variables, array to structure, nested structures, self-referential structures, structure and functions, Union, enum keyword, typedef keyword, introduction to file handling, buffer and streams, working with text files and binary files, file operations using std library and system calls, file management I/O functions, random access files.
This module is available for those who enroll in 60 days training program of C programming. The candidate will go through various assignments, and case studies to get hands-on experience. The candidate will also get trained in respect of cracking the viva and interviews.
This module is available for those who enroll in 60 days training program of C Programming. The candidate will get the benefits of project guidance & project work during the training.
Apply Now
Please enter the following details to initiate your application for the C Programming mentorship program offered by Learn2Earn Labs, Agra
Eligibility Crietaria
Any student/job seeker/working professional can join
Having interest in programming
Having basic knowledge of computer.