html, css and javascript

Improve your
Frontend Development Skills

With HTML,CSS and JavaScript

Training Modules
500 +
Days Duration
60 /90
Minor Projects
10 +

Training Roadmap
HTML, CSS and JavaScript

HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the three core and essential technologies used in website design and front-end web development. With the growing demand of websites & internet, companies are looking for skilled professionals who can work in the Front-End Development and UI Designing. These technologies allows designers & developers to create interactive, responsive & attractive websites or web applications providing seamless user experience.

Front End Design Concepts

Hyper Text Markup Language

Cascading Style Sheets

Responsive Design


Minor Projects

HTML, CSS and JavaScript Training Program

This program equips students with skills to design web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It focuses on managing styles, ensuring responsiveness, and enhancing interactivity. Through practical training, students gain hands-on experience in creating dynamic, user-friendly websites that meet modern design and functionality standards.
career support at Learn2earn labs

Practice-Based Training

Training program available for 6 months duration

career support 02

Dummy Projects

To build your hands-on expertise & portfolio

career support 03

Resume Building Assistance

To create an attractive resume for you

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Interview Preparation

So you can present yourself in a better way

career support 05

Mentoring & Job Assistance

To help you in getting good career or placements

Who Can Join

  • Any student can join the HTML, CSS & JavaScript training program . The student must have interest in website designing with basic computer knowledge.
  • Students from any specializations of B.Tech / M.Tech / BCA / MCA / B.Sc. / M.Sc, who are looking to learn website designing or front end designing can join the HTML, CSS & JavaScript training program.
  • Working professionals or job seekers, who are looking to learn website designing or front end designing can join the HTML, CSS & JavaScript training program.

Training Mode

Online Live Classes are also available

  • 4x more effective way of learning
  • Hands-on experience with projects & assignments
  • Virtual class with real interaction with trainer
  • Monitoring support & troubleshooting issues
  • Masterclass from industry experts & leaders
  • Live class recordings for revision purposes

HTML, CSS and JavaScript Training in Agra

Learn2Earn Labs

F-4, First Floor, Anna Ikon Complex, In Front of Deviram Food Circle, Sikandra-Bodla Road, Sikandra, Agra, Uttar Pradesh – 282007

Call: +91-9548868337

Program Details

Feel free to call

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    Select your profession

    During the java programming training program, you will go through with the below course modules & topics.

    Introduction to HTML5, Environmental setup of HTML5, HTML tags, elements and attributes, Syntax of HTML, Custom Attributes, Line Breaks, Spacing & Comments, HTML head tag, Setting Website Icon & Title, Background Images & Colors, Block & Inline Level Elements, Text Formatting Tags, Heading & Quotes, Images, Linking Web Pages, Creating Lists, Play Audio & Video, Embedding External Content, Creating Tables, Forms & Inputs, Semantic Elements, Using Emoji, Entities & Symbols in Website.

    Introduction to CSS3, CSS3 Environmental Setup with HTML5, Linking CSS3 with HTML5, Priority of CSS3 Stylesheets, Comments in CSS3 Properties & Selectors in CSS3, CSS IMPORTANT Rule, Priority of CSS Stylesheets according to Selectors, Text Colors & Transparency in CSS3, CSS Dimensions & Units, Shorthand Properties Backgrounds, Gradients Properties, Text Styling, Text Fonts, Google Fonts & Icons. CSS3 Box Model (Border, Margin, Padding, Shadowing, Redefining box-width, outlines etc.) Floats, Clear & Overflow, CSS3 Display Property, CSS Element Visibility, Position & Layering, Transitions & Animations, Creating Column Layouts, CSS Counters, Creating Tables Using CSS, Transforming CSS Elements, Clipping, Shaping, Masking & Filters, Modular CSS, CSS3 Miscellaneous (Vendor & Autoprefixing, Initial, Inherit & Auto, Misc. Properties, Misc. Pseudo Elements, Misc. Pseudo Classes etc.)

    Introductions to JavaScript, Variables, let & const keyword, string handling, operators, control flow (if-else, switch, while loop, do while loop, for loop, break, continue, etc.), Array operations, objects & functions, scopes, methods (forEach, sort, find, some, fill, splice, map, filter, reduce, call, apply, bind, etc.). Object cloning, keyword (this, new, class, extends & super) , arrow functions, function declarations & expressions, getter & setter methods, static methods, closures, Document Object Model, DOM Manipulation using JavaScript, attributes, Lists, JavaScript Events, callbacks, promise, Introduction of AJAX.

    This module is available for those who enroll in 90 days training program of HTML, CSS & JavaScript. The candidate will go through various assignments, and case studies to get hands-on experience. The candidate will also get trained in respect of cracking the viva and interviews.

    After the completion of all the 90 days module of this HTML, CSS & JavaScript training program, some projects would be assigned to you to improve your practical knowledge and project experiences. Projects : School/College Website Design, E-Commerce Website Design, Social Media Website Design, etc.

    Apply Now

    Please enter the following details to initiate your application for the HTML/CSS/JavaScript mentorship training program offered by Learn2Earn Labs, Agra

      Select your program
      Select your profession

      Eligibility Crietaria

      Any student/job seeker/working professional can join

      Having interest in programming

      Having a basic knowledge of computer

      Other Mentorship Programs

      Data Structure and Algorithm

      Duration: 6 Months

      Duration: 6 Months

      Duration: 6 Months

      Other Job Oriented Training Programs

      Duration: 6 Months | 12 Months

      Duration: 24 Months

      Duration: 24 Months
